Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Remove Unpleasant Smell from Mouth

Many people around us avoid closing people and avoiding sitting together due to unpleasant smell in their mouth. In parties and functions they never feel confident and avoid making public relations. There are many medicines and mouth fresheners to remove this smell but for a temporary period of time.

Aniseed is very useful to remove unpleasant smell from mouth. It is also very useful to avoid abdomen burning, in fever, for eyes and most important, it is best for digest system. Here we are focusing to remove unpleasant smell from mouth. So take aniseed three to four times and chew well. Try to include this practice in your daily routine. In a week you will feel the difference.

Carrot is a natural gift for people in winter. Clean carrots with fresh water and eat on regular basis. Remember that you don’t have to cook carrots, just take it in the natural state.

Add lemon juice in the rose water and gargle with it for at least three to four times.

All above tips mentioned in this article are very easy and don’t require more than five minutes each also you don’t have to spend a lot of money. So don’t waste your time to think, people who don’t have such problem can also use the above mentioned tips for pleasant fragrance in their mouth.

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