Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Preserve Rice Taste and Vitamins...

Rice is a good source of vitamin but we normally waste many while cooking the rice. People don’t want that intentionally but it is happening due to lack of knowledge.

It is very common to wash rice many times to remove all the dust and other extra junk particles from rice.

No problem washe rice as many times you want. When you feel confident and think rice are clean and ready to cook.

Now it is the time to leave rice in some water for a period of time. Stop here, the only secret is here.

Don’t put excessive water because now you don’t have to waste water. Water in which you are going to leave rice for certain period is not for sink. You have to cook rice in the same water.

By cooking rice in the same water is a great source to preserve the rice taste and vitamins. I think it is very easy tip and you have to be a little bit care full, no rocket science here.

Enjoy healthy and tasty food.

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