Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Remove Blood Stain Using Salt / Protein / Ammonia

There are hundred or thousand types of clothing stains. More than 90% clothes stains are removed easily using normal products at home like bleach, detergent, Vaseline and vinegar. Some stains are considered special because of lake of awareness about their removal process.

Actually a stain is a chemical reaction between fabric and staining agent. Not a single method can remove all the stains also not all stains looks like same on clothes. It is important to know how the stain appears on the cloth i.e. is it blood stain, oil stain, fruit stain or any other type of stain.
In this series of post we will cover almost all stains which are considered difficult to remove from clothes. In this post we are going to provide three easy tips to remove/ avoid the blood stains.

Remove Blood Stain using Salt:
Using cold water moisten the cloth
Now take salt in suitable quantity and rub on cloth
Fold the stained are of cloth on itself and rub the fabric on together
Rub for a few minutes and rinse with the water.
Wash it once with the normal detergent and enjoy neat and clean clothes.
Remove Blood Stain using Protein:
Take ½ cup of protein stain remover and add ½ cup of cold water in it and mix well.
Apply this mixture on blood stains and leave for 15 minutes.
Flush with cold water and enjoy the clean clothes.
Remove Blood Stain using Ammonia:
If you are facing difficulty in removing the blood stain from clothing and blood stains are too dark or in major quantity then use this most effective way of removing blood stain which require bleach with hydrogen peroxide (3%) and ammonia.
Take bleach and apply with medicine dropper.
Add a drop of ammonia in it.
Lightly rub the cloth and if possible use gloves.
Flush with water
All above tips are very effective to remove blood stain from clothes, it is recommended to use natural tip first.

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