Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Avoid Wasting Milk While Boiling

Is there anyone who never wasted milk while boiling? It is very normal scenario to put kettle on stove and go for some other work like dish washing or calling your friends. Wasting milk is not the only problem in this scenario but cleaning the stove and other effected area of kitchen is more painful.

So how this situation can be avoided, how can we save milk? Here is a simple tip to avoid this scenario

Butter: Enough to coat at kettle corner


Take butter in suitable quantity.
Using your finger, apply single coat of butter on the round corner of kettle or pot.
Width of coat should not be more than ½ Inch.

Always Boil milk after applying butter on the round corner of your kettle to save the milk and also this will be very helpful to keep your kitchen and stove neat and clean.

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