Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Remove Blood Stain Using Salt / Protein / Ammonia

There are hundred or thousand types of clothing stains. More than 90% clothes stains are removed easily using normal products at home like bleach, detergent, Vaseline and vinegar. Some stains are considered special because of lake of awareness about their removal process.

Actually a stain is a chemical reaction between fabric and staining agent. Not a single method can remove all the stains also not all stains looks like same on clothes. It is important to know how the stain appears on the cloth i.e. is it blood stain, oil stain, fruit stain or any other type of stain.
In this series of post we will cover almost all stains which are considered difficult to remove from clothes. In this post we are going to provide three easy tips to remove/ avoid the blood stains.

Remove Blood Stain using Salt:
Using cold water moisten the cloth
Now take salt in suitable quantity and rub on cloth
Fold the stained are of cloth on itself and rub the fabric on together
Rub for a few minutes and rinse with the water.
Wash it once with the normal detergent and enjoy neat and clean clothes.
Remove Blood Stain using Protein:
Take ½ cup of protein stain remover and add ½ cup of cold water in it and mix well.
Apply this mixture on blood stains and leave for 15 minutes.
Flush with cold water and enjoy the clean clothes.
Remove Blood Stain using Ammonia:
If you are facing difficulty in removing the blood stain from clothing and blood stains are too dark or in major quantity then use this most effective way of removing blood stain which require bleach with hydrogen peroxide (3%) and ammonia.
Take bleach and apply with medicine dropper.
Add a drop of ammonia in it.
Lightly rub the cloth and if possible use gloves.
Flush with water
All above tips are very effective to remove blood stain from clothes, it is recommended to use natural tip first.

Extracting Maximum Fruit Juice...

When it is time to extract juice from lemon, orange and other fruits of same category? Don’t you want to extract till last drop. In this post we are going to discuss a tip which is very useful to extract maximum juice from fruits.

Fruit: Lemon, Orange or other fruit
Water: It should be enough to dip the fruits

You have to take hot water in a pot in which fruits can be dipped easily.
Remember water should not be too hot.
Leave the fruits for three to five minutes in hot water.
Now cut fruits in two halves and extract the juice.
Using this way it is very easy to extract juice till last drop.
Enjoy Fresh Juice….!.

Remove Foam or Bubbles from Oil while Frying

It is very common to fry chicken pieces, French fries or other stuff like Eastern dish Pakora (gram flour paste mixed with onion and greens) and Samosa(Another Eastern Dish) in oil. Most of the times oil starts producing white foam/ bubbles which change the colour and beauty of food stuff.

Food colour has a significant impact on human desirability and used for best food judgment. Following is an easy tip which can remove foam/ bubbles from oil.


Flour: 2-3 table spoon
Water: As needed

How to Perform:
When you feel oil has started producing bubbles, remove the food stuff from it.
Mix water and flour to prepare a flour ball.
Increase stove flame and put that flour ball in it.
After 30 second s, reduce flame to normal and start frying food stuff.
By frying this way you can avoid bubbles in oil and that will preserve the food colour too.

Preserve Rice Taste and Vitamins...

Rice is a good source of vitamin but we normally waste many while cooking the rice. People don’t want that intentionally but it is happening due to lack of knowledge.

It is very common to wash rice many times to remove all the dust and other extra junk particles from rice.

No problem washe rice as many times you want. When you feel confident and think rice are clean and ready to cook.

Now it is the time to leave rice in some water for a period of time. Stop here, the only secret is here.

Don’t put excessive water because now you don’t have to waste water. Water in which you are going to leave rice for certain period is not for sink. You have to cook rice in the same water.

By cooking rice in the same water is a great source to preserve the rice taste and vitamins. I think it is very easy tip and you have to be a little bit care full, no rocket science here.

Enjoy healthy and tasty food.

Avoid Wasting Milk While Boiling

Is there anyone who never wasted milk while boiling? It is very normal scenario to put kettle on stove and go for some other work like dish washing or calling your friends. Wasting milk is not the only problem in this scenario but cleaning the stove and other effected area of kitchen is more painful.

So how this situation can be avoided, how can we save milk? Here is a simple tip to avoid this scenario

Butter: Enough to coat at kettle corner


Take butter in suitable quantity.
Using your finger, apply single coat of butter on the round corner of kettle or pot.
Width of coat should not be more than ½ Inch.

Always Boil milk after applying butter on the round corner of your kettle to save the milk and also this will be very helpful to keep your kitchen and stove neat and clean.

How to Preserve Taste and State of Apple

Who can deny the importance of apple? It is very famous saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”. There are many health benefits of apple. Here we are going to concentrate the way to keep apple fresh after cutting it in pieces or peeling it off. In both cases apple normally softens in couple of hours. So how can we preserve the state and taste of apple?

Salt: 1 table spoon/ Cup
Water: It should be enough to dip the pieces of apple

Add salt in water and mix to dissolve.
After peeling off the apple cut it in small pieces.
Now put all pieces in water and store it in fridge.
When required, wash pieces of apple with fresh water and use.

By storing apple in the above mentioned way will preserve the state and taste of the apple.

How to remove smell from Ghee (Clarified Butter/ Drawn Butter)

Some times storing ghee in a pot for long time results smelling in it. It is difficult to use that type of ghee for cooking. So how can we remove that smell from ghee?


Unflavoured Yogurt: 50 gram for 1000 gram Ghee


Suppose you have 5 kg of Ghee, as per ratio of 50 gram per kg you have to take 50X5=250 gram normal yogurt.

Now add that 250 gram yogurt in ghee and put it in a suitable cauldron.

Now cook that cauldron on stove until mixture start burning.

At that point put that cauldron down from stove and leave for a few hours.

Now you would feel all smell from ghee is removed.

Best Tip to Remove Smell from Fridge or Refrigerator

Some times rotten food and non usage of fridge may create smell in fridge. It is very difficult to remove that smell even after washing it completely.

Below is a useful tip to remove the smell from fridge or refrigerator.

Coal: few small pieces

If your fridge smells then take a small peace of coal and grind or crush it like powder. Now put all powder in a plate and place it inside the fridge. In couple of days repeat the process.
In a few tries all smell from the fridge or refrigerator would vanish.

Avoid Onions Burning While Frying

No one likes burned onions; it changes the taste of food. So how can we make sure that onions not burned?


Milk: In little Quantity


Add little milk to onions in the fry pan at the time of frying. Enjoy the good colour of onions and milk prevents onions to be burned.

Avoid Rice to Stick in Pan

Lemon Juice Few Drops
Sugar 1 Pinch
Take mentioned quantity of Lemon Juice and Sugar and Add these to the rice while cooking.

Remove Unpleasant Smell from Mouth

Many people around us avoid closing people and avoiding sitting together due to unpleasant smell in their mouth. In parties and functions they never feel confident and avoid making public relations. There are many medicines and mouth fresheners to remove this smell but for a temporary period of time.

Aniseed is very useful to remove unpleasant smell from mouth. It is also very useful to avoid abdomen burning, in fever, for eyes and most important, it is best for digest system. Here we are focusing to remove unpleasant smell from mouth. So take aniseed three to four times and chew well. Try to include this practice in your daily routine. In a week you will feel the difference.

Carrot is a natural gift for people in winter. Clean carrots with fresh water and eat on regular basis. Remember that you don’t have to cook carrots, just take it in the natural state.

Add lemon juice in the rose water and gargle with it for at least three to four times.

All above tips mentioned in this article are very easy and don’t require more than five minutes each also you don’t have to spend a lot of money. So don’t waste your time to think, people who don’t have such problem can also use the above mentioned tips for pleasant fragrance in their mouth.